Dissemination seminar, teaching, training and meeting in Vietnam

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Date : November 06 2023

Final events of Erasmus+ CBHE project DESL were organized at TDMU from 23/10/2023 to 25/10/2023. These events included guest lectures, dissemination seminar, and training on new teaching methods, and management meeting.

Guest lectures by lecturers from European partner universities TU/e, Aalto University, and University of Ljubljana were held on 23/10/2013 and 25/10/2023. Lectures were given on various topics of illumination engineering to the students of four partner institutions in Vietnam. This was part of a series of activities aimed at enhancing the competence of Vietnamese lecturers in the field of lighting, including knowledge, teaching method, and assessment techniques.

Project closing dissemination seminar was held on the second day of the event. The seminar was attended by representatives of private sectors working in energy and lighting field, public organizations, students and teachers. Presentations were given on the topics related to project outcomes, experience of implementing new lighting courses designed in the project, effectiveness of the project and improvement of teaching and learning. Presentations were also given on the two thematic topics: Intelligent lighting solutions for green lighting, and open-source platform to enhance learning in smart lighting education. Discussions were held on the challenges of energy efficient lighting practices, sustainability of the project outputs, and continuation of university-industry partnership.

The project's outcomes were also presented during the seminar through student projects demonstrations, such as smart lighting for parks, gesture-controlled lighting and lighting designs for structures. Furthermore, through collaboration among academia, industry and society, the project contributed to raising awareness of sustainable development and energy efficiency in the community.

Training on problem-based learning method was given by Luis Costa from Aalto University during the morning session on 25/10/2023.

The Management Team meeting was held in the afternoon of 25/10/2013, concluding on the project's outcomes. During the meeting, the institutions discussed potential collaboration directions that could take place after the project's completion. These directions encompassed student and faculty exchanges as well as scientific research collaboration.

The DESL project has brought about development in curriculum, human resources and laboratory for the Vietnamese university partners. These are three foundational elements for sustainable growth. Dr. Ha Thuc Vien, the rector of VGU, shared, “Life is short; let's do things that leave a legacy for future generations, and the DESL project is one such thing”. Dr. Doan Xuan Toan from TDMU also expressed that DESL was no longer merely a project but had become a part of his teaching life.

(November 06 2023)
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