Lighting courses are running at Vietnamese universities

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Date : January 21 2022

Since the beginning of this academic year (August/September 2021), newly developed or updated lighting courses are running at Vietnamese universities. 

  • At HCMUT, the new course “Light and Experience” started in August 2021 and teaching was completed in December 2021. Fifteen students participated the course. In week 7 of this course, Juliëtte van Duijnhoven (Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands) gave a guest lecture on the topic of smart lighting. In January 2022, both the updated course “Lighting Technology” as well as the new course “Smart lighting” have started. Respectively 27 and 17 students are taking the courses. 
  • At TDMU, the course “Lighting Engineering” started in September 2021 with the participation of 47 students. Besides this course, a project course started in which several smart lighting topics were added to the list of topics the students could choose from. Fourteen students selected one of the smart lighting topics and were working on this for 9 weeks. 
  • At VGU, teaching of the course “Illumination engineering” was started in December 2021. The theory part of the course has now been completed with altogether 23 students. The lab sessions of this course will be conducted at the beginning of next semester. After these lab sessions, the students are expected to be ready for the next step: the course “Lighting Design and Application”. 
  • At EIU, the course approval process for both courses ‘Smart lighting’ and ‘Illumination Engineering’ is currently ongoing expected to be completed by the end of March 2022. Teaching of course "Smart lighting" is expected to start from April 2022.

We look forward to the student evaluations of the courses to potentially improve the new or updated courses even more. 

(January 21 2022)
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